
I'm Not Emo, But I Play One On the Internet

Really I'm not. Some might call me goth (or used to [or never did (that's the way things go in the goth subculture)]).

Don't let the parentheses get to you too much. I rarely nest one parenthesis in another. This is the only time, that comes to memory, when I've nested them three deep in text I thought someone else might read.

This post also isn't about my (questionable) subculture.

I intend this to be a warning. This is my personal space. So claimed, only to secure my desired subdomain (onu). I've always kept a horrible weblog at this address, deleting it on a periodical basis, in order to keep this subdomain.

This time, I'll probably use this thing instead of letting it sit and collect whatever ethereal dust coats old and useless relics of so-called "information" scattered about the web. It's probably not going to be an appealing weblog. In fact, I intend to complain here. Yes, I intend to complain here a lot.

However, I pursue this endeavor with some hope this time. Indeed, this weblog will be part of the solution to my many (percieved and self-made, equating to nothing in a relative sense) problems.

So let's get started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Solicito la difusion noticiosa en todos los medios de comunicacion masivos a nivel mundial del oprobio sexual que sufren los pueblos del mundo por mis impostores polares del vórtice virtual que me exploran esotéricamente con un percance apologal de 21 años en mi país Guatemala de la América Central por calumniarme de disoluto a través de generar altivez prejuciosa a los pueblos con la secuela de calumniarme denigrantemente con el oprobio popular de perplejarlos a un fraude. Tambien generan crueldad humana por la altivez de los especuladores dirigidos por mis conspiradores polares del vórtice virtual que me explora esotéricamente en la isla de Tenerife segun un blog de internet pertinente aunque posiblemente sea otro.

Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
Documento de identificacion personal:
1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
Cédula de Vecindad:
ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
Alcaide de la organizacion de las naciones unidas (nuevo funcionario de gobierno mundial solicitado).